Current technological developments
are increasingly rapid, with the development of
technology, especially internet networks that can
provide benefits to users. In the era of globalization
the development of this technology directly and
indirectly makes changes in people's lifestyle become
more practical, effective and efficient. Many fast food
such as fast food or junk food are available
everywhere. Fast food and lifestyle changes cause
unhealthy eating patterns, which can cause health
problems related to nutrition. Malnutrition is a health
problem related to nutrition that cannot be addressed.
With an appropriate healthy lifestyle will help to be
healthier and away from disease. World progress such
as in developing countries causes many changes in
the pattern of human life. Especially nowadays there
are many fast or instant foods. The busyness faced by
everyone causes them to ignore their lifestyle so that
many diseases can attack them at any time. This study
uses research methods, namely 1). Primary data in the
form of observations carried out in the hospital of Siti
Aisyah Lubuklinggau, addressed at Lapter Silampari
Street, Kuti Lubuklinggau Timur Village, I 31626,
Documentation. 2) Secondary data is data obtained by
researchers from various existing sources. Secondary
data is obtained from various sources including
books, journals, reports and others. This application
was built with 1). Designing healthy lifestyle
applications using eclipse, System design design uses
UML (Unified Modeling Language) and system
testing using black box method, 2). Designing
android-based healthy lifestyle management
applications to make it more effective and efficient,
and help the community about lifestyle rules healthy.
With this application, it is expected to help the
community in implementing and regulating a good
and right healthy way of life