Sistem Informasi Penjualan Dan Stok Barang Agen Theraskin Baturaja Menggunakan Embarcadero Xe2 Berbasis Client Server
Sales and Stock Information System, Embarcadero Xe2, Client Server.Abstract
Abstrak–The Theraskin Baturaja Agent Store is a shop that is engaged in providing cosmetics and skincare in Baturaja. They provide stock of goods directly from the PT, this PT called PT L'Essential. Theraskin Baturaja Agent Store which is located at Jl. Gotong Royong lr, Palm Oil no. 01 A, Baturaja, South Sumatra. Currently, the sales system for the Theraskin Baturaja Agent store still uses a ledger in conducting sales transactions, while for data collection on the purchase of the Theraskin Baturaja Agent Store, it still uses the Microsoft Excel application to make purchase transactions to suppliers. In the process of processing sales data, the admin still records manually, namely by recording into sales notes then these notes are recapitulated into the sales book of goods carried out by the admin section. At the end of every month the admin makes a bookkeeping report from the sales note which is submitted to the Theraskin Baturaja Agent Shop Owner. With the information system for processing sales and stock data developed at the Baturaja Theraskin Agent Store, it is hoped that it can be done more easily, quickly, neatly, precisely and efficiently.
To obtain the data needed in making this information system, the authors carried out research first using the method of observation, interviews and literature.